Chief Executive Officer Juan Martinez

"I cannot imagine my children sitting in front of a carrier and/or agent to take out their insurance in ten years' time. I picture them signing up in Insubook and getting their insurance through this social network". Software Engineer Esther Martinez

"Surrounded by many good, talented people".

CEO Software Engineer Jose Martinez

"Fulfilling my dreams". iOS Developer Ginés Navarro

"The technological innovation is not the smart social network itself, but the social interaction among consumers in the insurance world". Android Developer Juan José Alfocea

"Insubook will play an integral part in building future consumer insurance world".

Insubook team is made up of the most elite and top professionals you can find in the world to create a new Insurance-focused Social Media Platform, smart, different and totally transparent intended for insurance world. Our technology will change the world, we are convinced to achieve something big.

Insubook has such a great potential that it will change the way consumers think, act and expect to be treated and will transfer the current insurance world to a new one smarter.

Our Values

  • Social: Insubook is a platform created by consumers for consumers.
  • Independent: It is not related to any insurance company.
  • Fair: Collectively we can improve and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable society. Thanks to Insubook platform, small/medium consumers (unprotected) will be able to help each other.
  • Transparent. The information available from the insurance companies along with their products will be transformed into usable and valuable information for their users.

    Insubook Development